Founded in 1987, Kipling is a Belgian fashion company specializing in bags and purses.The company maintains quality control restrictions on their bags, but the market is replete with fake versions of the bag.
- Look for the plush monkey mascot in the form of a keychain. Discount the bag as a fake if it is missing this key detail, as almost every Kipling product has one, aside from small wallets, makeup clutches and limited-edition bags.
- Examine the monkey mascot's left arm; a genuine Kipling bag will have a Kipling name tab sewn to it, whereas counterfeit bags often have the tab sewn directly onto the body of the bag.
- Scrutinize the coloration of the round Kipling logo on the front of the bag; a genuine bag's logo will be nearly exactly the same color of the bag, while logos of inauthentic bags are of a very different color than the body of the bag.
- Look for a white label inside the bag that states the color, the product code and the Kipling name; every Kipling bag made since 2003 has this label.